Consolidated Sales


Consolidated Sales Report for Multiple Tally Companies & Years

Consolidated Sales helps you to capture the Customer’s Sales Values, Product Values, and all other Invoice details in Multiple companies, locations, and years based on specific Date Ranges and remains an essential part of the business process for a company.

The Consolidated report helps the management to see the performance of the product/customer/salesperson line and further helps to take important decisions in order to increase sales.

Sales_analyzeCustomizable Sales Report

View your sales reports in different aspects as per your business need

  • Multiple Year/Month
  • Multiple Company/Location
  • Product Vs Customer
  • Product Vs Location
  • Customer Vs Year


Ready-to-use modern UI

A classy spreadsheet-like interface optimized both for browser and apps. You will not have to spend time and money on its completion.

All principles of reliability and excellent user experience are already implemented in this web reporting tool.

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