Outstanding Dashboard


Reduce payment delays from customers

Monitor your Tally outstanding and Reduce Payment delays from customers. TallyGraphs Outstanding dashboard gives managers, and executives instant access to monitor and measure where your company stands in terms of cash management performance.

Key Highlights

  • Monitor overdue customers
  • Aging Summary
  • Aging Details
  • Top Debtors
  • Bill-wise Receivable
  • Party-wise Receivable

Monitor Outstanding

View overall outstanding amount with customer-wise or overdue days-wise.

  • Check total outstanding amount
  • Check overdue pending amount in the current period. (If the customer is not having credit days that pending amount is calculated in overdue amount).
  • View how many customers are having the pending amounts to date

Party-wise Receivable: Used to identify the list of party’s with their receivable pending amounts to date. (or) It is used to list the party-wise outstanding amounts

Age-wise Receivable: Used to analysis and display the due days-wise receivable pending amounts. It is easy to identify the more than due days receivable pending amounts in the current period.

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