Version 8.4.2 (Top Sales Ledgers)

Added a new graph for Sales Ledger in Sales Dashboard which indicates the top 10 sales ledgers based on the sales registere account.
Filter Receipts by Ledger Group in Accounting Dashboard
Through the ledger group filter, you can customize your receipt entries by ledger group for both receipts and payments.
Month wise Summary in Statement of accounts
Display Sales, Purchase, Receipt a,nd Payment Performance month wise which describes a detailed breakdown and comparison by month wise.
- Click the Filter option to get more filters.
- Cost category filter is used to keep track of data by cost category, which is used in the determination of cost limitations and rates.
Debit and Credit values distinct by Opening and Closing Balance
Debit and Credit amounts are determined based on their opening and closing balance in Trial Balance.
Group wise Total in Cash and Bank Summary
The total credit, and debit amount are determined by group-wise in cash and bank summary.
Other Updates
Update: Total quantity of stocks and inventories (table footer) added in Export options for all stock and inventory dashboards.
Fix: Growth trend graph invisibility, while applying the filter in Cost centre dashboard.